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Pork Commentary June 1, 2015 – Russia Road Trip Part 1

Today, June 2nd 6:46am

Russia Road Trip Part 2


This past week we spent in Russia meeting with customers and other industry participants.


Our Observations:


Russia's producers are receiving 114 ruble a kilogram ($1.00 US liveweight per pound) and are having profits per head of $125.It is going very well.

· 俄罗斯目前每公斤的价格为114 卢布($1.00 美元/磅活重),每头猪有125 美元的利润。非常好。

Much of the proposed new construction will be one site, 3,000 sows farrow to finish. The cost of roads, services, power, land acquisition, and security both from theft and health. Multi-site in the Russian structure has had mixed results. The cost of the facility is almost $7,000 US per sow.

· 多数计划中的新猪场都是分娩到育成300头母猪单点式猪场。成本包括道路、服务、供电、土地、防盗及健康安全。在俄罗斯建设的多点式结果喜忧参半。每头母猪的设施成本将近7,000美元。

There is lots of land in Russia available for swine building and the rules say you need 1 hectare (2.2 acres) for every sow (farrow to finish)。 I.E. 3,000 sows need 6600 acres.

· 俄罗斯有大量土地可以用于猪场建设,法规要求每头母猪需要1公顷(2.2 英亩)土地(分娩到育成)即3,000头母猪需要6,600亩。

We met over the last week with different groups planning in total to expand 400,000 sows plus over the next four years.

· 我们上周与几批客人见面,这些人将在未来4年间总计扩张40万头母猪。

Expansion will have to coincide with new or expanded slaughter plants as the major plants are currently maxed out. We met with four groups planning new slaughter plants or expansion.

· 由于主要的屠宰厂目前已经满负荷了,扩张的同时要适应新屠宰厂的新建或扩张。我们遇到了四批计划新建或扩张屠宰厂的客人。

Russia's goal is to be self – sufficient in pork production and with the long term goal of becoming an exporter to the Asian market.

· 俄罗斯的目标是实现猪肉生产的自给自足,长期目标是成为亚洲市场的出口基地。

We get a sense that the Russian industry will do everything possible to keep out imported pork from the E.U. Border control has created high profits. We expect the Russian Government probably knows these high profits are leading to expansion, pushing Russia towards self-sufficiency in pork. A many time stated goal. If you are a European producer we would suggest you look for other markets for pork in the long term.

· 我们了解到俄罗斯的行业将尽一切可能防止从欧盟进口猪肉。边境管制带来了高额利润。我们认为俄罗斯政府可能知道这些高额利润正在导致扩张,推动俄罗斯实现猪肉的自给自足。这个目标被多次提及。如果你是欧洲的生产商,我们会建议你从长远考虑去寻找其他的猪肉市场。

· With the expansion in pork, Russia is starting to focus less on straight tonnage and pork as a raw commodity. The packers are now beginning to realize that long term demand is partially driven by better tasting flavourful pork. When in Russia we signed a contract to establish a Genesus Duroc Nucleus with one of the major producers. The farm already under construction will be stocked this year.

· 随着猪肉的扩张,俄罗斯已开始很少关注直接的吨位,将猪肉视为原材料。屠宰厂现在开始意识到长期需求需要一部分猪肉拥有更好的风味。我们在俄罗斯签署了一份合同,与主要的生产者之一建立1个加裕杜洛克核心场。正在建设的猪场将在今年引种。



Russian inventory is currently highly profitable. There will be major expansion but it will take some time to get the facilities built. Long term, Russia can be relatively cost efficient with feed, land, and biosecurity. Russia's expansion sounds large but relative to China's liquidation of 7 million plus sows over the last year not that significant.

俄罗斯目前的存栏是非常有利可图的。将会出现大规模扩张,但设施建设需要一些时间才能完成。长远来看,俄罗斯的饲料、 土地和生物安全的成本效益更高。俄罗斯的扩张看起来很大,但相对于中国去年淘汰的700多万头母猪而言微乎其微。

World Pork Expo


This week we will be at the World Pork Expo. Visit us at the Genesus tent east of the varied Industry Building.


Next week we will report our observations of the World Pork Expo.









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